Amd Vega 64 Black Screen Gpu Fan 100

  1. Kaleid

    Kaleid Antediluvian Guru

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    No much trouble after 2 months of use. I did stimulate the rx480 8GB with some trouble booting from time to time though, but in some way it was fixed

    As I utilized a prevue version of Win10 at the clip, it might have been that to a fault, but I reported each and everyone of these problems all time.

  2. morrk

    morrk Member

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    I've not had a one-on-one black screen on 20.1.3. It's been ages (Perhaps Nov) since I had whatsoever prima issues, actually.
    Seems really strange that I had black screen issues for months when many didn't seem to be having problems and nowadays I have no problems when AdoredTV has decided to rise the issue.
    This is my setup in case it gives somebody a clew (including AMD)

    MSI Vega56 flashed to 64 on bios - Time speeds @ stock
    3 monitors connected
    1440p @ 144Hz
    1080p @ 165Hz
    4k @ 60Hz

    HBM is downclocking normally
    Many games played - 0 issues.

  3. Ne'er had a black screen on my Saphire 5700XT, or whatever other issue. Same for the RX580 ahead it. Rock solid. Intel Z-170 motherboard.
  4. Weekend

    Weekend Active Member

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    Hell, I even dare pronounce that I had it in my r9 270x and my Friend had IT in r9 280 and later in r9 390 (when he sold that 280 and upgraded to 390...) after that we both are a little afraid to regular consider purchasing amd graphics.

  5. P.O.N.

    P.O.N. Active Penis

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    I had the hemipterous insect each day or two until I`ve disabled the LAV Video Decoder Hardware Acceleration old by Media Player Classic. Vega64 user here
  6. Silva

    Silva Ancient Guru

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    I'd ilk to know why did you attach to your RX580 then, was Nvidia too expensive for you? Is AMD single good to lower prices? What do you think IT will happen to prices if AMD stop making GPUs? Intel ISN't a competitor yet, and Nvidia would be incomparable on the commercialise, charging probably 2 times the price of 2080Ti for the 3080, and then on. By 2022 Nvidia would have killed Microcomputer gaming and everyone would own a console.
    Be mindful of what you wish for friend, it could bite you hard.
  7. I have not experienced a complete freeze either. But a black screen and a total system freeze down stool be easy to conflate. If you're doing some Studio apartment coding without whatsoever music playing then a Shirley Temple Black screen where you have to readjust the computer wish totally look like the whole system died.

    The beginning clock time information technology happened to me i was performin a game then i could well assure the computer was still working. I could still shoot and pick up the sound effect and also the euphony. Past when it happened piece functioning i did a win key + typed the name of my music role player, pressed enter then the key bind to start playing music and IT did. Another time just my main monitor went inkiness the 2nd monitor was still working and i was able to move my windows from my main monitor lizard to my 2nd monitor. I have not proved to turn out the proctor. I'll try this next time. I did a thorny restart of the computer every time. Information technology doesn't happen to me arsenic more than as others. I think it happens maybe 3-4 times a calendar month. Outdoors of that i have got no trouble with the card or the drivers.

    Will keep the batting order for now since i moved from a 1070 after being with nVidia for over 10 years primarily because i had lot of troubles with the 1070. G-Sync compatible would not work at totally (black screens when i enabled it). Had to remove the mill overclock (Strix) after 2 years cause the card was unstable. After 2 years card would hang couple up of multiplication a month and either die or successfully recoup after 5-6 seconds of freeze. Also the performance were just non there any longer. Would not say nVidia was crippling the plug-in only clearly was not caring about it anymore. Since the 2070 Big was 150$ CAD more expensive than a 5700XT the choice was simple. Will re-evaluate next gen if AMD doesn't fix the problem i might retreat to nVidia but not at the cost of almost 1 grand CAD for sure. Hope Intel will bring some rivalry to the market it is much needed.

  8. Yup - the Windows driver devs could take a page Beaver State two (operating theater perhaps the whole book of account...) from the Mesa driver quite a little. This applies to Nvidia too, but it's mind boggling to ME how AMD's Windows number one wood devs in some manner screw things up this badly. I specify to buy AMD succeeding because of the Linux drivers. That is such a stark difference to people World Health Organization prefer to avoid AMD because of the Windows drivers.
  9. I am buying, having and prefer AMD GPUs because of the Linux number one wood.
    Having my Operating system of choice and my GPU running game flawlessly it's inevitable to prefer this jazz band.
  10. Vega unfortunately has one contingent cause that is hardware OR PSU overlapping out-of-pocket to debatable power spikes operating room transient draw of close to 600W at times whereas Navi has upward of 400W transients though for a card that's supposed to hit 180W targeted power draws and doing up and a bit over the repeat at multiplication yeah the problem is rather panoptic here as well.
    (Character reference model and that's already not too pretty, something targeting 195 - 220w Oregon higher might spike more though I do non experience the figures Hera first-rate.)

    EDIT: And while less of a thing few older simply tranquilize high outturn PSU's from in front 2013 - 2014 might too have issues with broken idle potential dro or hitting the finished current protection and shutting down from that, can also make up a issue for Intel and AMD Processor's drafting very debased dead voltage owing to various states for this I think it's equal called something the like being Haswell operating theatre Haswell-E ready or secure where it's at super low-spirited load.
    (Current AMD bioses flatbottomed has a setting for changing this thus instead of 5w or what it was it's 30w at unused I think, not exactly sure connected the Book of Numbers here.)

    EDIT: Vega's a GPU though and if the CPU has 750 - 800w to output then this is all just a non-issue Eastern Samoa it covers for the spikes and doesn't actually go for the same low-electromotive force idle as Navi does. :)

  11. Denial

    Denial Ancient Guru

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    Idk - there has been scores of posts on /r/amd about this with the power and it seems to be hit or miss connected holdfast the progeny.

    I find it really weird that Vega would have this problem that would lead to black screens and Navi and others would have a completely polar job that just likewise happens to lead to blackscreens and seems to be somewhat correlated to software (discord seems to be somewhat related). Past on top of that none of these issues seem to occur at each on Linux.

    It just seems to me like information technology's a really strange device driver issue that's really hard to stick down imputable how random it is.

  12. Yeah the late Vega (And Polaris and perhaps earlier besides.) stability issues I believe are mainly from package or the drivers like how AMD managed to again cause issues with hardware accelerated media in browsers and what not, Vega's state is something in computer hardware but if the card was stable then information technology's software. :)

    As to how bad the transients are for Vega well wattage forward 600 Watts give or take and for ampere it can hit over 40 amps which would actually squinting downward my stream 1200W PSU if it was set to multi-rail mode (Circuitry stuff, non in reality octuple rails.) since it would give each inveigh coverage up to 40A earlier IT shuts off for protection purposes. Just something I scholarly recently, not entirely reliable on Navi's figures on this though they are glower but still hitting fairly advanced peaks.

    EDIT: And for Navi this might embody part of why some models of the 5700 (2x 8-pins particularly I would imagine Oregon potentially the 6 and 8 pin variants also.) were reported equally unstable even if the PSU had wad to spare because it ran under a splitter cable from a single 8-trap output.
    Spate in most cases together with what the PCI slot itself provides on the other hand it spikes and that's a trouble Eastern Samoa a result.
    (Wattage wise I think I read somewhere around 300W and yeah that'd oeuvre for normal power draw but past the spikes were upward to 400W which wouldn't work anymore.)

    But I am still learning or trying to, this is all a really gigantic mess and merciless to figure out how things are for some the regressions on earlier GCN computer architecture and GPU's Here and for Navi and RDNA.

    Last edited: Feb 14, 2022
  13. Now everyone getting unselected black screen and organisation freeze without getting event logs entries or dumps pointing fingers against AMD (I confess: me too).
  14. I'll let myself quote my own put up from driver thread:
  15. Their drivers have been folderol since forever. I had nothing but issues with Rage IIc. X1800 XT 256MB had its own share of issues (mostly video playback kindred; IT was noisy and power thirsty card and died shortly after one year). R9 290 has totally kinds of little annoyances/bugs too and on apical of that information technology was really power hungry and made my room warm. 2D power consumption was too high and it wouldn't quell passive.

    It looks like they never learn.

  16. This issue is not sporting limited to the Navi cards. I have the claim selfsame publish with my Vega and it's a lot more frequent with the new 2022 drivers. I think this will be my last AMD card for a patc Eastern Samoa AMD is getting worst with every driver update away the looks of IT.
  17. Exige245

    Exige245 Master Guru

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    I tough this issue for the first time a some days ago. Was playing LoL using Disagree and a chrome browser raw. I alt-tabbed out of the gamy to adjust soul's bulk in Discord, and then EL tabbed plunk for into the game and got the black screen issue. Had to hard reboot. Never had the issue before with Vega, Fury, or whatsoever previous series, and this was the first occurence with Navi (5700XT)
  18. holler

    holler Master Guru

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    Calling it now Fake news fud agendum, convinient that this is so much a "major issue" right before amd big navi annunciation. more nvidia FUD. Almost all reviews undergo stated they never had much issues, hmmm strange isnt't /sarcasm

    My VII runs like a dream happening water at 2100ghz the new amd 2022 adrenalin owns nvidia feature sassy with look and feel. Its war, take every newsworthiness bite with grain of salt. They just want the ad revenue since a slow news month technical school wise

    In conclusion edited: Feb 14, 2022
  19. daffy101

    daffy101 Activated Member

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    My card is not a 5700 only an rx580 and since the latest update i throw had issues with 3d acceleration and black screens in games with and without dissension running in the back soil. No other updates or changes to anything else connected the pc.
  20. waltc3

    waltc3 Maha Guru

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    I in spades believe that nV is doing the ol' viral merchandising affair--AMD has been hijacking nV's discreet 3d GPU share like-minded crazy--and viral merchandising is the way nVidia traditionally responds. Battle Born State was doing that hind when 3dfx was still operative--I power saw it happening websites equivalent AnandTech where La Shrimp' was doing 3d GPU reviews (without a clue.) Saw it on Tom's Ironware way back then, byword it on Sharkey extreme. I owned both nV and 3dfx GPUs at the time, and used both, and it was easy to spot the paid negative (dishonest) marketing by nVidia. It's one reason if you bought me a nV 3d batting order nowadays I'd most expected sell it. nV quieten has something like 57% to AMD's 42% share, simply AMD's been As low As ~20% at multiplication. The Ryzen halo effect is selling stacks and lots of AMD GPUs--and that's my convey on this upswing of negative commentary from people who carry these extreme accounts--"All of my games crash! I'm going nvidia!", etc....;)

    I do feature to say that the BSE issue (black screen event) is historical, however. From July 11, to the present, I've had ~10, maybe, which equates to a 99.9% uptime with my 5700XT. Information technology's likely that if I didn't have to reboot most of them I wouldn't remember them, they are so far apart in know. Most of them have required a reboot, just non all. The BSE put out is the only issuance I've had with the GPU--I don't undergo GSOD's, stuttering, or new problems. Sensible the BSE, which has been blissfully absent for single weeks since the last one. I give no more trouble with ironware accel in FFx64 Delaware, youtubes, etc. It's every bit if something trips in the GPU and simply shuts it down--perhaps a voltage governor spike. I've reported it several times already. If they can get to the cause of the BSE and make it the add-in will follow 100%, IMO.

    Ohio...I didn't want to forget to sound out that going in reply to my R9 380, RX-480 &adenosine monophosphate; RX-590 I never sawing machine a single BSE. Not equal when I was running 480/590 8GB Xfire. It's lone been with the 5700XT that I've seen it at all.

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Amd Vega 64 Black Screen Gpu Fan 100


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