The book Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches past Creswell (2014) covers three approaches— qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. This educational book is informative and illustrative and is equally beneficial for students, teachers and researchers. Readers should have basic knowledge of research for ameliorate agreement of this book. There are two parts of the volume. Part one (chapter 1-4) consists of steps for developing research proposal and part II (affiliate 5-10) explains how to develop a research proposal or write a research report. A summary is given at the end of every chapter that helps the reader to recapitulate the ideas. Moreover, writing exercises and suggested readings at the end of every affiliate are useful for the readers.

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English language Language Teaching; Vol. 12, No. 5; 2019

ISSN 1916-4742 E-IDue southSNorth 1916-4750

Published by Canadian Center of Science and Education


Volume Review

Creswell, J. W. (2014). Inquiry Design: Qualitative, Quantitative

and Mixed Methods Approaches (4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage

Muhammad Ishtiaq1,2

1 Department of English, Unaizah Science and Arts College, Al-Qassim Academy, Saudi Arabia

two Centre for Modern Languages & Human Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Pahang, Malaysia

Correspondence: Muhammad Ishtiaq, Department of English language, Unaizah Science and Arts College, Al-Qassim

University, Saudi Arabia.

Received: February 7, 2019 Accepted: Apr 3, 2019 Online Published: April 6, 2019

doi: ten.5539/elt.v12n5p40 URL:

The book Research Blueprint: Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Methods Approaches by Creswell (2014) covers

3 approaches— qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods. This educational book is informative and

illustrative and is equally beneficial for students, teachers and researchers. Readers should have basic knowledge

of research for meliorate understanding of this book. In that location are two parts of the book. Function one (chapter i-4) consists of

steps for developing research proposal and role II (chapter 5-10) explains how to develop a research proposal or

write a research report. A summary is given at the terminate of every chapter that helps the reader to recapitulate the

ideas. Moreover, writing exercises and suggested readings at the cease of every chapter are useful for the readers.

Chapter 1 opens with -- definition of research approaches and the author gives his opinion that option of a

enquiry approach is based on the nature of the research problem, researchers' experience and the audience of the

study. The author defines qualitative, quantitative and mixed one thousandethods research. A distinction is made betwixt

quantitative and qualitative research approaches. The author believes that interest in qualitative research

increased in the latter half of the 20th century. The worldviews, Fraenkel, Wallen and Hyun (2012) and

Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2005) telephone call them paradigms, take been explained. Sometimes, the apply of linguistic communication

becomes too philosophical and technical. This is probably because the author had to explain some technical


Chapter 2 is about the review of the literature. The affiliate starts with the identification of the research topic and

argues that literature review has central position in enquiry. The author suggests where to place literature review

inorth a study. Thow-do-you-dosouthward chapter is a kood guide for novice researchersouth as it suggests how to review literature, locate a

research study in existing torso of literature and discover a gap in previous research. As expected, this chapter is very

descriptive. Some good data bases are suggested by the author inorth this chapter. The idea of forming a literature

map is practical and useful. All the same, some more than explanation and examples on how to review previous studies

would have been helpful for readers.

Chapter 3 'the utilise of theory' gives a complete definition of 'theory' and its utilise and forms in quantitative

enquiry. The explanation of human relationship of variables in visual diagrams is really helpful for new researchers.

The affiliate gives a step past step procedure to write a theoretic al perspective. The chapter explicitly deals with

the use of theory in quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods and transformative worldviews or paradigms.

Different types of variables used in quantitative research have been elucidated in this chapter. Still, a new

researcher needs some more than examples and illustrations in comprehending the variables.

Chapter 4 'writing strategies and ethical considerations' deals with the ethical bug, the construction of a proposal

and writing strategies. Different formats for writing a research proposal are presented in detail. These idue northclude

quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research. Some basic ideas are discussed in this chapter about

designing the sections of a proposal and some writing tips are suggested that can be instrumental in writing a

research proposal. Ethical issues in qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods research are explained in item.

A short summary at the cease of thdue east chapter well elaborates key southwarduggestions for writing a research proposal.

Affiliate 5 highlights the importance of writing an introduction to a proposal and suggests how an abstract is English language T eaching Vol. 12, No. 5; 2019


written in a research report. The v components of an introduction are all that a new researcher needs to start

with. The chapter also suggests how a research problem is written and gap can be plant in the previous studies.

The gap, termed equally 'deficiencies in the literature' has been illustrated with examples. The chapter also highlights

the significance of introduction in a quantitative study. However, some more examples of introduction, gap and

significance of qualitative and mixed method studies may have been helpful for the reader.

Chapter 6 advocates the importance of purpose statement and its place in a periodical or a dissertation. Some basic

features of purpose statements in qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods inquiry are underlined. The idea

of providing scripts of the iii major designs can be helpful for researchers in different fields. The writer

emphasizes the need of explaining the variables in quantitative and mixed methods research. The language used

in this affiliate is easy to comprehend.

Affiliate 7 discusses research questions and hypotheses. It explains how research questions are designed in a

quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods research. The author suggests different question words used in

quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods written report. Scripts and examples take been provided for writing

qualitative and quantitative research questions. Though there is no script for writing mixed method questions, an

example has been provided for a gixed methods two-stage written report.

Chapter eight deals with quantitative methods. The chapter focuses on primal steps in a survey or an

experiment in a quantitative research proposal. A checklist of questions has been provided for readers for

designing a survey and an experimental research. Survey designs and experimental designs accept been discussed

in detail with a brief explanation of population and sample choice. A detailed description of a survey and an

experimental report is given with some suggestions of how to apply the needed musical instrument. The author has rightly

given just the basics of unlike experimental designs, otherwise, it would have been difficult to provide details

of every design. The affiliate, withal, discusses many practical considerations for a researcher that may not be

comprehensible for a new researcher.

Chapter nine discusses qualitative methods. The characteristics of qualitative research are given in detail. The

author suggests some tips of a qualitative research pattern and explains the researcher'southward role in information technology. Data collection

procedures in qualitative enquiry haveast been divided into 4 basic types— qualitative observation, qualitative

interviews, qualitative documents and qualitative audio and visual materials. Qualitative data collection types,

options, advantages and limitations have been provided in a tabular array that makes it easy to cover. There is a

lot to learn virtually reliability and validity of qualitative research for a new researcher. Six-stride data analysis

process in qualitative research is explained and illustrated with the assist of a figure. However, it needs the reader

to take some know-how of the qualitative research.

Chapter 10 deals with mixed methods arroyo. Mixed methods approach is described in detail and types of

mixed methods research designs are illustrated with figures in brief. More elaborated diagrams might have been

more helpful for readers. Of import factors and practical considerations for choosing a mixed methoddue south design

accept been discussed in particular. Convergent parallel mixed methodsouthward design, explanatory sequential mixed methods

design, exploratory sequential mixed methods design and transformative designs take been explained with

examples. A cursory summary is given at the end.

In general, the book is well written and organized. Information technology is informative, illustrative, and practical. It is united states of americaeful for

researchers of unlike fields. After reading the book, new researchers, who might consider inquiry a daunting

chore, may be able to conduct out their research independently.


Fraenkel, J. R., Wallen, North. Due east., & Hyun, H. H. (2012). How to Design and Evaluate Research in Education (viiith

ed.). New York: McGram-Loma Companies.

Onwuegbuzie, A. J., & Leech, N. L. (2005). Taking the "Q" out of enquiry: Teaching research methodology

courses without the divide betwixt quantitative and qualitative paradione thousandmsouth. Quality and Quantity, 39 (three),



Copyright for this commodity is retained by the author(southward), with first publication rights granted to the journal.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution

license (

... Mixed methods research was used in this study. This method combined qualitative and quantitative analyses by mixing the 2 methods [45][46]. The qualitative approach is used to describe the changes in students' conceptions after the implementation of computer-assisted ICI. ...

  • Ida Kaniawati
  • Widyatami Nurul Maulidina
  • H Novia
  • Endi Suhendi Endi Suhendi

Misconception can be interpreted every bit incorrect conceptual agreement be-cause it is non in accordance with scientific conceptions but is believed to be the correct conception inside students' minds. Misconception oft happens in understanding the concept of Physics, one of which is the concept of Strength and Vibration. Misconceptions tin exist an obstruction in achieving the objectives of learning Physics. I of the causes of the misconception is that the learning model used has non been able to encourage students' conceptual change. One of the learning models that can promote conceptual change is Interactive Conceptual Instruction (ICI) assisted past computer simulation. The aim of this inquiry was to find out the effectivity of ICI assisted by reckoner simulation learning model implementation in the change of high school students' conception on Force and Vibration. Mixed method enquiry with concurrent embedded enquiry design was used in this study. The re-search was conducted on 60 students of class X in ane public high schoolhouse in Cimahi City, which were divided into experimental grade and command class with xxx students in each grade. The experimental class took role in ICI learning assisted past reckoner simulations, while the control form participated in conventional learning. The instruments used in this study were xx items of four-tier test to make up one's mind students' conception level and observation sheets to make up one's mind the implementation of ICI learning assisted by estimator simulations. The effectivity of ICI assisted by figurer simulation in the change of high school students' conception was measured by effect size. The information processing revealed that the effect size obtained was 0.99 with a "big" interpretation. The change of students' conception could be seen from the declining of misconception percentage of 9.three% in experimental class. Thus, information technology can be concluded that the application of the ICI learning model assisted past reckoner simulations can exist washed as an try to change the conceptions of loftier school students to be meliorate at the concept of Force and Vibration.

  • Webster Funhiro
  • Bhasela Yalezo
  • Emmanuel Mutambara

Zimbabwe's health service commitment has attracted media attention for three successive decades due to failure by public hospitals to deliver constructive service with the blame leveled confronting the infirmary management boards (HMB). Responding to the criticism, the Ministry of Health introduced reforms on public hospital governance practices towards ensuring an effective health commitment system. This was washed by improving the structural capacity of hospitals to deal with the increasing demand for health services (Moyo, 2016; Sikipa, Osifo-Dawodu, Kokwaro, & Rice, 2019). Thus, the study sought to make up one's mind the standard functional structures inside HMBs of Zimbabwe's vi key hospitals. To attain this, the study used a mixed research design in which 66 board members responded to the questionnaire while 9 purposively selected board members were interviewed, respectively. The study revealed that public hospitals require standard functional structures in order to be constructive. These include a functional board that has sub-committees, a policy to evaluate the functioning of CEOs, and the lath itself. Frequency of board meetings, setting of agendas, succession planning, and alignment of goals with interests of diverse stakeholders. Implementing such functional structures enhances would standard functional structures for hospital management boards in central hospitals

  • Akinola George Dosunmu Akinola George Dosunmu

The efforts to reduce the widened effects of structural inequality for women in South Africa have resulted in varied experiences (Burns, Tomita, & Lund, 2017). The study problematised the unresearched and not well articulated social construct inside the career experiences of women working in a telecommunication visitor in South Africa. This article argues that the significant ascribed to the socio context and equity policy can improve describe the dimension of the broader outcome of gender inequality in post-apartheid Due south Africa. The study contributes to discourse assay methods where discourse analysis was used to explain the experiences of three women who are senior managers with at least ten years of experience. The discourse-based agreement of the experiences of women in this written report was reframed into and inside the interactions of disinterestedness policy deliberation, societal factors and the organisational context model. These interactions allowed interpretation of the career option for women and what it means for personal development. The model of career feel depicts strong alternative views on a career path for women. The results of this written report provide unique findings for justice regulation in the workplace for women in South Africa.

  • Webster Funhiro
  • Bhasela Yalezo
  • Emmanuel Mutambara

Zimbabwe's public hospitals have been criticised for the failing standard of health service delivery for the by 3 decades with fingers pointed towards the infirmary governance system. In response to the criticism, the government of Zimbabwe, through the Ministry of Health, has begun the process of making structural changes to the entire hospital governance organization (Moyo, 2016; Sikipa, Osifo-Dawodu, Kokwaro, & Rice, 2019). The aim of the study is to examine the processes of appointing hospital direction board (HMB) members in central hospitals of Zimbabwe. The study sought to explore the standardization, strengthening, and performance of HMBs in fundamental hospitals of Zimbabwe with a focus on six central hospitals which include Harare, Chitungwiza, Parirenyatwa Group of Hospitals, United Bulawayo Hospitals (UBH), Mpilo, and Ingutsheni. The study employed a mixed-method design using the questionnaire and interviews to collect data. The target population included 66 lath members. The census approach was used meaning that all members of the population formed the sample size. The written report revealed that 67% of hospitals had functional HMBs with a quorum despite lacking a clear policy to evaluate their performance. The gaps identified required policy review to strengthen the date and performance of HMBs

  • Ahmed Thousand. Asfahani

Marketing is used by business organizations to promote the beneficial attributes of their product and services. The increased focus on promoting upstanding and socially responsible business practices has contributed to the emergence of socially responsible marketing. This report explores this concept and how it promotes good/positive social and cultural norms. The enquiry demonstrates how businesses are forced to practice socially responsible marketing though its impact on Idiot box viewership and household conflict remains unknown. A qualitative descriptive study is carried out to examine the effect of socially responsible marketing on TV viewership and household conflict. Data was collected from a sample of xv marketing experts using a cocky-administered question and analyzed through thematic assay. The study plant no pregnant link between socially responsible marketing and Telly viewership. Additionally, this inquiry found that socially responsible marketing reduces household conflict. These findings are supported past the Uses and Gratification Theory, Functionalist Theory, and Conflict Theory.

  • Keith Harman

Book 10, effect four (special issue) of the Periodical of Governance and Regulation is a special issue and as usual it is replete with cutting-edge research studies covering a broad array of of import topics dealing with corporate governance and regulation. The special result therefore reflects this argument from the editorial note policy of the Journal of Governance and Regulation, "providing a continuous development that enables our readers to outline the new and most challenging issues of enquiry in corporate governance and related topics".

  • Larysa V. Zdanevych
  • Alla I. Chagovets
  • Ivan O. Stepanets
  • Svitlana 5. Pyekharyeva

The purpose of the commodity was to report three groups of factors of perception of the introduction of interactive methods of distance education in the educational environment of Higher Instruction Institutions. The research used full general scientific research methods, questionnaire methods, methods for integrated assessment, mathematical methods of data processing: calculation of consolidated characteristics of motivation, sign examination. The report revealed a lo w level of student knowledge about distance pedagogy technologies and, by contrast, a high level of student involvement in mastering interactive altitude education methods. The commodity detects the influence of the educational environs of the HEIs in the formation of the disposition of the students to employ interactive technologies of altitude instruction. The article considers properties of interactive methods such as mobility, openness, accessibility and the apply of interactive distance learning technologies. The article aims to study the peculiarities of the students' attitude towards the introduction of interactive distance learning technologies in the educational process. Other enquiry perspectives are in the creation of a arrangement for monitoring the training of students for the implementation of innovative technologies in relation to the constant development of scientific and technological progress.

The adoption of Big Data (BD) in the construction industry has been identified as a possible solution to the need of the current needs of projects, merely the integration of this engineering has proven to exist a challenge specially in industries such as construction that are not technological driven. The understanding of the key elements for the BD adoption has become the focus of many industries that seek to exploit the benefits offered by this technology. Therefore, this paper aims to explore the challenges faced by the adoption of BD in the Dominican Republic (DR) construction manufacture. To identify these challenges qualitative enquiry was undertaken due to the paucity of scientific data. 20-one individuals representing 19 companies who take great impact in the DR construction sector were interviewed. From the analysis 6 main challenges were identified. They are: lack BD awareness, high cost of investment, resistance to change, lack of government support and regulation, lack of technological expertise, and security concerns of BD. The challenges identified in this study, volition serve to help companies meliorate plan their engineering adoption process, mainly considering aspects such as the demand to tackle the lack of sensation by disseminating and promoting the concept of BD which will non simply generate a better understanding of technology by making certain that nowadays and future professionals empathize the engineering and its benefits. This study provides insight in the challenges to overcome for a successful adoption of BD technology, which would help companies to prepare for a future adoption.

  • Elenita Natalio Que

This newspaper aims to provide insights into how teachers tin can sustain ICT integration practices in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas. A mixed-method instance study design was used for the study. Data were collected through interviews, questionnaires, classroom ascertainment, and document examination. Qualitative analysis and descriptive statistics were used to analyse the data. For data validity, triangulation of responses and fellow member checking was carried out. The written report identified successful applied science integration factors in geographically isolated and disadvantaged schools: a strong community of practice, an acceptable back up system, and contextual ICT integration practices. It suggests that teachers' pedagogical practices related to ICT toned to undergo a continuous process of review and reflection to ensure that ICT-related practices remain pedagogically effective and relevant to changing needs and contexts. The account of the teachers in this study, focusing on their didactics experiences in a school in a remote, depression-income area, creates a epitome for comparative research on teaching in challenging contexts. Comparative studies on ICT integration practices in poverty-stricken, post-disaster, and disharmonize-afflicted areas, could provide inputs for formulating context-specific policy recommendations that could support successful ICT integration in minor rural schools in the Philippines and other developing countries.

Technology-based enterprises play a paramount role in blooming a land economically. All the same, according to a society'southward capacity to launch such enterprises in diverse eras, their volume is less than expected in many economies. Therefore, establishing such enterprises is necessary for developing any land, although its innovation system contributes to establishing them. This paper considers the impact of entrepreneurial education on technology-based enterprise evolution, including motivation every bit a mediator variable, in Esfahan Scientific and Industrial Town. Despite much enquiry investigating the correlation betwixt entrepreneurial education and engineering-based enterprises' progress, it seems that no study has already considered this correlation with remarking the motivation as a mediator variable. This practical research follows a quantitative enquiry design. The statistical population includes 500 enterprises in the Esfahan Scientific and Industrial Town, and for sampling, Cochran's formula was applied (north = 217). Additionally, the researcher-made questionnaire and PLS3 software were used for information gathering and assay. The results demonstrated that entrepreneurial education elements (including entrepreneurial skill, entrepreneurial learning, and entrepreneurial intention) positively affect engineering science-based enterprises' development, considering motivation equally a mediator variable. Yet, the bear upon of entrepreneurial intention on technology-based enterprises was non supported. It reveals that the entrepreneurial intention of motivated individuals could have a meaningful effect on the evolution of technology-based enterprises. Therefore, motivation is a critical event to be considered past managers and policymakers while considering entrepreneurial instruction-related policies and initiatives.

  • Jack R. Fraenkel
  • Norman East. Wallen
  • Helen Hyun

How to Design and Evaluate Enquiry in Education provides a comprehensive introduction to educational research. The text covers the most widely used enquiry methodologies and discusses each footstep in the enquiry process in item. Step-by-step assay of real research studies provides students with practical examples of how to prepare their work and read that of others. Terminate-of-chapter problem sheets, comprehensive coverage of data analysis, and information on how to set research proposals and reports make it appropriate both for courses that focus on doing research and for those that stress how to read and sympathize research. The authors' writing is simple and direct and the presentations are enhanced with clarifying examples, summarizing charts, tables and diagrams, numerous illustrations of key concepts and ideas, and a friendly 2-color design.

The purpose of this paper is to provide evidence that the debate between quantitative and qualitative is divisive and, hence, counterproductive for advancing the social and behavioral scientific discipline field. We abet that all graduate students larn to utilize and to appreciate both quantitative and qualitative enquiry methodologies. Equally such, students will develop into pragmatist researchers who are able to apply both quantitative and qualitative techniques when conducting research. We argue that the all-time manner to accomplish this is by eliminating quantitative inquiry methodology and qualitative research methodology courses from curricula and replacing these with inquiry methodology courses at different levels that simultaneously teach both quantitative and qualitative techniques within a mixed methodological framework.